I drive a Mazda - and the other day I received a promo to test drive the new Mazda 3series. The slogan read 'Test Drive the Car that's EVERYTHING YOU UNEXPECTED'. After reading this I thought 2 things...1. Why should advertising companies come up with good slogans that speak about God's Kingdom. Another example of this is SGIC'S Un-worry - it's great. 2. And number 2, this idea of EVERYTHING YOU UNEXPECTED I thought was a great way to picture the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is upside down to the thinking of this world. It is everything we unexpect. It is supposed to be different - it is the rule and reign of God in the now. I think God's kingdom looks different than we often think it should. Often, I think we try to make God more 'relevant' and more 'cool'. When really his Kingdom is everything we unexpect. Perhaps we shouldnt be so focused on making God, the Church, Christians what we think people will be attracted too, but rather, let us let God rule and reign as the King of our lives and let us see God do EVERYTHING YOU UNEXPECTED.
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