When we say or sing 'there is no-one like our God' do we mean what the Israelites meant? At times I think God (YHWH) is just seen as a 'prefered' option in amongst a line up or selection of other possible gods to follow.... gods like money, sex, power, status, consumerism, materialism, relationships, jobs etc. Often when we say 'there is no-one like Him' what we actually mean is....out of all the other options, I believe that he is the best bet. When the Israelites proclaimed Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One' (Deut 6:4)they were declaring that that the Creator God is the one true God, the one true God of all the world. Picture it this way...It was like a line was drawn and God was drawn
above the line. and every other god or created thing is, therefore, drawn
below the line. This is what it meant to say there is no-one like our God. No one compares to Him. He is above the line! How have we come to blur this line today? How have we come to lower God
below the line or raise other gods
above the line? How have we ever come to think that God is just a 'preferable' option amongst a plethora of other gods in our 21st Century? May we be staunch monotheists (like the Jews) claiming that God is above the line and all other gods are not level or on par with Him. He is the world's true God and all things come under his rule and authority. A Question then for us.... How should his impact the way we live today?
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