Romans 1. Jesus is King . Paul opens his book to the Romans by addressing the Christians gathered in home churches that he is a slave of King Jesus - set apart for the God's good news. Today we don't like words like allegiance, obligation or obedience. These are often frowned upon in our post-modern world where we like to be our own King and run our own show. So although we see Paul letting Rome, Caesar and Christians in the first Century know that Jesus is the worlds true King and that this is Good News, we too today need to hear this same announcement. There is only one crown -and it belongs to Jesus, not us! Too often we are the ones who want to wear the crown and sit on our own thrones and rule our own little worlds. Paul reminds us here and elsewhere in Romans that Jesus is the worlds true King and the one who deserves all the honor, worship, obedience and thanks. So may we dethrone our selves - hand back the crown to Jesus - enthrone Him in our lives and live in obedience and allegiance to King Jesus. May we join Paul in announcing Jesus as King, and partner with God in claiming the world as his own.
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