You have probably heard people say 'more of God, less of us'.
This is well intentioned and sounds all pious, humble and nice. But good intentions are often not enough. It is actually upside down thinking. You see, the closer to God we become the more we become who we actually are; the more truly us we become. The further away from God that we are the less human we are.
The more we are aware of God's love for us the less that we try to find that in other things and or other people. It's when we haven't grasped the width, depth and height of God's love for us that we will go to all sorts of depth's, width's and height's in search for love. Coming to grips with God's love us - which is not an easy thing to do - will actually help us to be more truly human, more truly us. Jesus was fully aware of the Fathers love for him. He remained in the Fathers love. He knew his Father, he was secure in his love, and he trusted in that love and so was able to be completely obedient to Him. Often we don't know God like he knows us, so we trust in ourselves and love ourselves more than God, and so become obedient not to God, but to our own agendas.
May we really know the width, depth and height of God's love. May we know that nothing can seperate us from the love of our God in Christ Jesus. May we become more of who we already are; may we become more truly us, as we allow God to have more of us. I pray that we can know the love that Jesus knew from God. And that his prayer for us in John 17:26 will become true for us all 'I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them'.
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