What if the opposite of Worship is not 'no worship' but Idolatry.
We are all created and wired for worship. The question is not 'will we worship?' But 'who will we worship?' Will we trust God or will we trust in earthly things? We often trust in earthly things more than we trust in God, and so these earthly things become our idols. It could be a relationship, a job, a sporting team, a drug or an addictive behaviour. I want to suggest that much of the reason why we don't worship God is because we don't know Him well enough to trust in Him. Worship and trust are linked. If we knew God better we would see that these earthly things are not worthy of our worship, that they will not satisfy. But because we don't know God like he knows us we trust in these earthly things over God. So, rather than trying harder to worship God, let us start letting him love us; start getting to know Him more; and begin to trust Him with your life...your worship will grow from here.
We are all created and wired for worship. The question is not 'will we worship?' But 'who will we worship?' Will we trust God or will we trust in earthly things? We often trust in earthly things more than we trust in God, and so these earthly things become our idols. It could be a relationship, a job, a sporting team, a drug or an addictive behaviour. I want to suggest that much of the reason why we don't worship God is because we don't know Him well enough to trust in Him. Worship and trust are linked. If we knew God better we would see that these earthly things are not worthy of our worship, that they will not satisfy. But because we don't know God like he knows us we trust in these earthly things over God. So, rather than trying harder to worship God, let us start letting him love us; start getting to know Him more; and begin to trust Him with your life...your worship will grow from here.
Letting God love us is harder to do than to say, when people hurt you and the trust to let people love you is damaged, trusting God becomes a greater task. It's when we do trust him though that it becomes clear just how pure and amazing His love is.
This is true. We often project onto God from our experiences in relationship with others. Letting God love us is not easy. Perhaps even harder than loving God. Maybe because at least by striving to love God we can still control our level of love, therefore protecting ourselves somewhat, as well as feel we are 'doing' something for Him. Whereas by letting God just love us, this means we aren't in control, it means that we become vulnerable and God may do something with us. This scares us at times.
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