Eternal God, who lives above and beyond this your creation, there is no one like you.
Who is like you? Who is like our God?
- who is above all this world in motion;
- who is above all the world’s chaos and confusion;
- who is above all our hopes and our fears;
Self Sufficient God, Lift up our eyes to see you enthroned above the earth, We proclaim there is no one like you, we are not like you, no one compares to you. We acknowledge that we cannot fully comprehend you or describe you. You are incomparable, incomprehensible and indescribable.
Yet from beyond the world you came to us, you come to us, you relate to us, you reveal yourself to us.
We join with the writer of Ecclesiastes and say:
“You are God in heaven and here am I on earth”.
Not to say that you are distant, disinterested or unplugged from us, but rather to recognize that you are God and we are not; to acknowledge that our salvation was not gained because of our own clever building projects or labor, but your initiative and your action.
So we can therefore relax and let our words be few. And simply in obedience; in awe; in wonder; and in sincere reverence, we worship you God Almighty. And declare that “Our God Reigns over all the earth” and we join with the Angels and sing Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Oh God who dwells in the midst of your creation; who is through all and in all, I praise you because you are near; you are close. You know me so well, God. You are closer than a brother to me. Where can I go that I can hide from you? What path can I walk that you haven’t walked with me? Where can I run that you won’t be there waiting for me? What road can I travel where I would travel it alone?
At times I feel lonely and abandoned, with no friends to talk too, no mates to enjoy life with, but I know I am not alone. Help me God to know that you are near.
In the storms and in the calm; in the dark and in the light, I know you are not far from me because in you God I live and move and have my being.
Spirit of God, I pray that you move and continue to work in the lives of those who don’t yet know you. My friends, who haven’t heard you calling their name, reveal yourself to them, make yourself known to them.
Likewise, help me to be close to those around me, sustain me and strengthen me to love and be compassionate towards those I have close contact with, as you are with your creation.
I praise you God for travelling with me, for being personally present through your Holy Spirit.
Who is like you? Who is like our God?
- who is above all this world in motion;
- who is above all the world’s chaos and confusion;
- who is above all our hopes and our fears;
Self Sufficient God, Lift up our eyes to see you enthroned above the earth, We proclaim there is no one like you, we are not like you, no one compares to you. We acknowledge that we cannot fully comprehend you or describe you. You are incomparable, incomprehensible and indescribable.
Yet from beyond the world you came to us, you come to us, you relate to us, you reveal yourself to us.
We join with the writer of Ecclesiastes and say:
“You are God in heaven and here am I on earth”.
Not to say that you are distant, disinterested or unplugged from us, but rather to recognize that you are God and we are not; to acknowledge that our salvation was not gained because of our own clever building projects or labor, but your initiative and your action.
So we can therefore relax and let our words be few. And simply in obedience; in awe; in wonder; and in sincere reverence, we worship you God Almighty. And declare that “Our God Reigns over all the earth” and we join with the Angels and sing Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Oh God who dwells in the midst of your creation; who is through all and in all, I praise you because you are near; you are close. You know me so well, God. You are closer than a brother to me. Where can I go that I can hide from you? What path can I walk that you haven’t walked with me? Where can I run that you won’t be there waiting for me? What road can I travel where I would travel it alone?
At times I feel lonely and abandoned, with no friends to talk too, no mates to enjoy life with, but I know I am not alone. Help me God to know that you are near.
In the storms and in the calm; in the dark and in the light, I know you are not far from me because in you God I live and move and have my being.
Spirit of God, I pray that you move and continue to work in the lives of those who don’t yet know you. My friends, who haven’t heard you calling their name, reveal yourself to them, make yourself known to them.
Likewise, help me to be close to those around me, sustain me and strengthen me to love and be compassionate towards those I have close contact with, as you are with your creation.
I praise you God for travelling with me, for being personally present through your Holy Spirit.
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